Now that Samantha Fish is just weeks away from releasing her next album ‘Paper Doll’ the exciting thing for her will be introducing new songs to the setlist.
Samantha Fish spoke to Noise11. Watch the interview:
Samantha tells, “I’ll probably have a bit of heavy lifting to do with all of the guitar layers. I didn’t know why I painted myself into the corner with all those layers. It will hopefully be one of the more organic shifts to the stage. Out of all of the records it might be easier to replicate”.
Bobby Harlow worked with Samantha’s 2017 album ‘Chills and Fever’ album. He also produced ‘Paper Doll’. “It didn’t feel like revisiting a point in time,” Samantha said. “Bobby is an artist himself and has gone through an evolution. As an artist he is in a different place than where he was when we did ‘Chills and Fever’. When I walked away from the ‘Chills and Fever’ experience, I grew a lot in that session. It can be uncomfortable. I think it took me years to recognise how that growth then effected how I approached records and writing. It was one of those albums that changed the course of my artistry”.
The latest taster for the upcoming album is ‘I’m Done Runnin’:
Samantha Fish ‘Paper Doll’ will be released on April 25.
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