Sheppard ‘Geronimo’ has passed the 4 times platinum mark in sales in Australia and will now most likely end up as the biggest selling Australian song of 2014.
‘Geronimo’ sold a further 9210 downloads last week after 19 weeks on the chart. That pushed it to total sales of just over 280,000. X times Platinum is awarded for 280,000 sales.
Sheppard ‘Geronimo’ in its 19th week is outselling Justice Crew ‘Que Sera’ in its 13th week and 5 Seconds of Summer ‘Amnesia’ in its 6th week pretty much guaranteeing an end of year Australian chart topper (unless something yet to be released takes us by surprise). There are 22 weeks left in 2014 so it is possible but unlikely that another Australian song will sell better than ‘Geronimo’ this year.
‘Geronimo’ by Sheppard features in this weeks iHeartRadio Music News powered by Listen live now

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