Simply Red will return to Australia for dates in February 2016.
The tour will include A Day On The Green shows with Tina Arena and all shows with Natalie Imbruglia.
Australian Tour Dates
Kings Park & Botanic Garden, Perth**
Tuesday February 9
ADOTG Rochford Wines, Yarra Valley, Vic*
Saturday February 13
ADOTG Leconfield Wines, Mclaren Vale, Sa*
Sunday February 14
Palais Theatre, Melbourne
Tuesday February 16
ADOTG Bimbadgen Winery, Hunter Valley, Nsw*
Saturday February 20
ADOTG Sirromet Wines, Mt. Cotton, Qld*
Sunday February 21
‘On The Steps’, Opera House Forecourt, Sydney
Tuesday February 23
With Special Guest Performances By Tina Arena (ADOTG Dates) And Natalie Imbruglia (All Dates).
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