Taylor Swift says her 1989 tour gives her a lot of freedom.
Swift is promoting her latest album by playing shows all around the world and on August 21 she’ll hit LA with her next concert.
While many singers rely on impressive dance routines to make their mark, Taylor is keeping things more relaxed. Even her popular moves to hit Shake It Off are subject to change night on night.
‘There’s a lot of movement,’ she said of her 1989 shows while talking on British TV show Lorraine. ‘It’s not necessarily typical choreography, there’s a lot of cool moments with the dancers but it’s more in a sense of showing you, highlighting a moment in the song.
‘Shake It Off is more freeform, there’s dancing, just most of it isn’t synchronised. I wanna have freedom to change what I do every night, and with this show I have the chance to do that.’
Taylor is known for referencing her experiences in her songs, drawing on relationships for lyrical inspiration. Opening up to her fans in this way means they’ll always be given a very honest look at her life
‘There’s a lot going on. I don’t want to spoil it!’ she smiled. ‘There’s a lot of the theatrical nature of these songs. Because they are from my real life, it’s fun to come up with these scenarios and act them out in a different way.’
It’s a whole year now since Taylor released Shake It Off, the first single from 1989. The star still can’t believe how the time has flown.
‘One year ago today, ‘Shake It Off’ was released and I told you my album would be called 1989. Just…. Thank you. For everything. (sic),’ she tweeted.
The 1989 tour runs right through until December.
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