Tex Perkins and Russell Morris will lead a night of entertainment for Child Wise.
Child Wise was established in 1991 to give support to abused children. The organisation equips people with knowledge and tools to shield children from harm.
Child abuse in Australia is at a crucial level and Child Wise raises the awareness of the situation and educated individuals and communities on how to protect children.
Steve Lucas of X is the patron of the organisation and has curated the Child Wise event. Morris and Perkins will be joined by Debra Anne Byrne, Chris Wilson, Jerome Smith, Joey Bedlam and Henry Manetta.
“We’re talking super band here – in the real sense,” Steve says. “Horn section, backing vocals, all the bells and whistles. A more eclectic and dedicated cross section of Melbourne’s best would be hard to find…”
Child Wise was also held in 2014. “We found with last year’s concert that is was a wonderfully healing (and uplifting) experience for everyone involved, a most welcome and unexpected bi-product as It was perhaps even more important than the money raised. Child Wise Benefit 2015 is a family event… a community event,” he said.
Chid Wise will be held at Melbourne’s Thornbury Theatre in Thornbury on Tuesday, May 12.
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