After a year of lockdown The Casanovas will finally get the chance to get on stage and launch their 2020 album ‘Reptilian Overlord’ LIVE.
‘Reptilian Overlord’ was released in August 2020 right when the Melbourne band was still in a marathon lockdown.
‘Reptilian Overlord’ was produced by Mark Opitz who also worked on AC/DC’s classic ‘Let There Be Rock’. “If this album is anywhere near as good as ‘Let There Be Rock’ I’d be stoked,” Tommy Boyce told Noise11 when the album was released. “AC/DC really hit their strides on ‘Let There Be Rock’. Prior to that they were Boogie-Woogie but on ‘Let There Be Rock’ they became the band we know now”.
The Casavonas launch “Reptilian Overlord” at the Corner Hotel, March 6 2021. “Reptilian Overlord” is out now on Rubber Records, and is available to order on all formats here .
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