Tim Finn and Andy White have a new video for the ‘AT’ album track ‘Three Sheep Grazing’.
Tim and Andy wrote the song and then co-produced it with John Leckie. Leckie mixed the track and then handed it over to Sean McGee at Abbey Road Studios to give you the completed version we have for you today.
The friendship with John Leckie goes back to the 90s. Andy White tells Noise11, “I’ve known him for years. He is my recording mentor always since Tim and I met him at Real World studios after a Womad show ALT did. We recorded a track and John loved it and we just set up a great friendship”.
The video for ‘Three Sheep Grazing’ was illustrated by Andy’s son Sebastian White and animated by Kai Higham. Sebi work has appeared on artwork for Oasis, The Teskey Brothers, Courtney Barnett and Budjerah.
It was actually Sebastian who talked Andy and Tim out of called the album ‘@’ instead of ‘AT’. Tim Finn told Noise11, “We did toy with the idea of using the @ symbol on the record cover, but Sebastian, Andy’s son, dissuaded us.”
Andy added, “If you hastag @ its impossible. It’s like a spelling mistake. @ is not going to work. Its not going to happen”.
“It would be pretty neat though,” said Tim.
Seb tells Noise11 that his creative started from a very early influence. “I’ve always loved paper shadow puppet theatre with its magic visual storytelling and thought this would suit the song perfectly. The drawings seemed to fall out of the sky when I listened to the song. I took the guys from the common with the sheep to explore underwater and then into space. Big thanks to Kai Higham who animated so imaginatively. My favourite characters are the black cockatoos on the wire.”

The ‘AT’ is the new work of Andy White and Tim Finn (A&T). The previous album ‘ALT’ was 28 years ago and also featured the ‘L’, Liam Ó Maonlaí of Hothouse Flowers. Liam opted out of this new recording with Andy and Tim.
Watch the complete AT interview with Andy White and Tim Finn here:
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