Todd Rundgren will return to Australia in July for his ‘An Evening With…’ shows.
Todd Rundgren, Photo By Ros O'Gorman
Rundgren toured Australia last month as part of Ringo Starr and the All-Starr Band. He also toured Australia in 2010 performing the songs of Robert Johnson on the Todd Rundgren’s Johnson tour.
A post to Rundgren fans today reads:
“Good Morning and Happy Saturday! This just in from Todd’s management: Todd will be touring Australia with his “An Evening With” show in July … dates will be announced in April.
“and he will be touring Japan with his “STATE” show in August … dates will be announced shortly”.
Todd Rundgren performed three songs on the Ringo tour, “I Saw The Light”, ‘Bang The Drum All Day” and “Love Is The Answer”.
In Australia he has had three Top 40 hits, ‘I Saw The Light’ (1972), ‘Hello Its Me’ (1973) and ‘Can We Still Be Friends’ (1978).
As a producer Todd’s best known and biggest selling album was Meat Loaf ‘Bat Out Of Hell’. He also produced Badfinger ‘Straight Up’, Grand Funk Railroad ‘We’re An American Band’ and Dragon ‘Dreams Of Ordinary Men’.
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