Pink Floyd legend David Gilmour has broken out a Cat Stevens classic for his Von Trapped Family webcast.
“It’s a song, not written by me. It was written by somebody called Eleanor Farjeon but we all know it from Cat Stevens,” he said before performing ‘Morning has Broken’.
Gilmour’s webcast was promoting his son Charlie’s new book ‘Featherhood’. Charlie wrote the book about a young man who saves a baby magpie as his estranged father is dying, only to find that caring for the mischievous bird saves him.
Charlie is the adopted son of David and Polly Samson. Charlie discovered his biological father was Heathcote Williams, a British poet who disappeared when Charlie was six months old. Charlie was born in 1989, David and Polly adopted him in 1994. Williams died in 2017. Julian Cope’s album ‘Autogeddon’ was inspired by a Williams poem.
‘Morning Has Broken’ is a Christian hymn by Eleanor Farjeon first published in 1931. The Cat Stevens version was recorded in 1971 and released in 1972 on his ‘Teaser and the Firecat’ album. Rick Wakeman played piano.
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