Watch Henry Wagons New Video ‘Santa Fe’ -
Henry Wagons. Photo by Ros O'Gorman

Henry Wagons. Photo by Ros O'Gorman

Watch Henry Wagons New Video ‘Santa Fe’

by Paul Cashmere on February 11, 2016

in New Music,News

Henry Wagons has released a video for ‘Santa Fe’, the second single of his debut solo album and we will forgive him for one little blooper.

In the video Wagons is seen taking a letter from a letterbox with the red flag up. In the USA, the red flag in upright position means the letter inside is for the postman to take and send.

While it’s hardly ‘the gas canister on the back of a chariot in Gladiator’ level blooper we shall add it to our collection.

‘Santa Fe’ is from the Henry Wagons album ‘After What I Did Last Night’, released February 12, 2016.


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