The Dead Daisies have a recorded a cover of Alex Harvey’s ‘Midnight Moses’ for their upcoming album ‘Revolución’.
‘Revolución’ was recorded in the past month in Sydney with Corabi, formerly of Motley Crue, on vocals.
John Corabi was the lead singer on the self-titled Motley Crue, the one album by the band without Vince Neil. It peaked at no. 4 on the Australian album chart in 1994.
‘Midnight Moses’ first appeared on the 1969 Alex Harvey Band album ‘Roman Wall Blues’ and remade for the 1972 Alex Harvey Band debut album ‘Framed’.
The Dead Daisies performed the song on their recent Cuba tour.
Watch The Dead Daisies perform ‘Midnight Moses’ with John Corabi live in Cuba.
The Dead Daisies ‘Revolución’ will be released firstly in Europe for the band’s upcoming tour with Kiss and in Australia for the Kiss tour in October.
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