If you’ve wondered why Bob Dylan interviews are so rare there is a very good reason. So many dickheads have interviewed him over the years that Bob has just given up on the media.
He was once asked “How many people who labor in the same music vineyard in which you toil, how many are protest singers?”
Dylan taken aback by the ridiculous question answered “I think theres about 136”.
In Stockholm one reporter told him that he had never heard Bob sing. “You’ve never heard me sing?”, Dylan responded. “And here you are asking me all these questions”.
One reporter asked “A personal question. You sound very tired. Are you ill? Is this your normal state, your normal condition?” Dylan answered “I’m from New York City. You’re from California. You have this health thing and I don’t”.
Another “You are singing new versions. Is that an effort on your part to avoid being called nostalgia?”. Dylan answered “mmm, mmm”. She continued “Do you want to avoid over interpretation by singing your old songs in new versions?” Dylan just answered “Yes”.
This is why Dylan has rarely granted any interviews or appeared at press conferences in decades.
Watch this video of some of the dumbest questions Dylan has been asked by media:
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