Loretta Lynn has released the video for the track Lay Me Down, a duet with Willie Nelson, from her new album Full Circle.
The song, written by Mark Marchetti, is a poignant reflection on life while contemplating one’s mortality. The video, directed by David McClister, features Lynn and Nelson, each alone, singing the song within the backstage halls and dressing rooms of the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, TN. Eventually they join each other on stage in the empty auditorium for a heartfelt and intimate meeting of two old friends. The pair have not performed together since Farm Aid in 1985.
Loretta Lynn said of their reunion, “I am so proud to be able to sing a song with my friend, Willie. I love this song, Lay Me Down, so much. It had been 30 years since we’d last seen each other. Willie and I got to meet and talk about old times when we shot the music video in Nashville. Willie is one of those people that even if you haven’t seen them for 30 years you feel like it was just yesterday. We have a natural respect and love for each other.”
Willie Nelson said, “I’m excited to have a new record and video out with Ms. Loretta Lynn, who is one of the few remaining traditional country artists, and one of my favorite people. She’s an original!”

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