Daft Punk - Tron: Legacy OST - Noise11.com

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Daft Punk – Tron: Legacy OST

by Paul Cashmere @paulcashmere on August 26, 2011

in Reviews

It’s been a long time coming, but finally Daft Punk’s soundtrack to the upcoming ‘Tron: Legacy’ film is out.

Daft Punk fans need to know that this isn’t a typical Daft Punk album. There are a few moments where you could dance around your living room, but most of the time you’d be better off lying back and absorbing the epic nature of the music. It’s not just a score by name, it’s a true film score.

At times this album could be confused with a John Williams score, such as in the opening ‘Overture’, at other times Daft Punk’s fancy electro wizardry shines through, such as in the mind-melting ‘Derezzed’, but for the most part the album is not dissimilar to producer William Orbit’s ‘Pieces In A Modern Style’ albums.

The horn-and-string-heavy arrangements are complimented with subtle hints of synth coating that makes for an interesting listen.

As a film score it ticks all the boxes (although hardcore film buffs might disagree with me on some technicalities). It’s a great listen and very interesting, but probably not going to be on high rotation at your house for very long. It’s not supposed to be a Daft Punk album though, it’s supposed to be a film score and as such, ‘Tron: Legacy’ Soundtrack FTW!